Since our beginning in 2012, the National Women’s Coalition Against Violence & Exploitation (NWCAVE) has worked tirelessly to help and provide vital services to victims and survivors who have been victimized through human trafficking, domestic violence, kidnapping, sexual assault/rape, stalking, bullying, hate crimes, gun violence, and all other forms of violence. NWCAVE works to inform, educate, and prevent violence while advocating for justice and accountability. Media Matters, and NWCAVE specializes in working with Media to see our clients have a voice and they are able to seek justice in their cases!
Our Programs & Services
The Advocacy Center for Justice (ACFJ), a division of NWCAVE, houses our Missing & Murdered Children's Division, Dignity Clothing Program, our radio show on KXRW 99.9FM Spotlight for Justice, our Community Resource Center, and our Survivor Support Services including our Survivor Retreats and Support Groups.
National Training & Education division - Conferences Against Violence & Exploitation (Justice Summit, No More Summit, SWCAT and NWCAT), Court, Advocate and Media trainings throughout the year. Speakers Bureau and Film Screening Presentation are also available.
Special Events include - Java for Justice Brunch, International Women's Festival, BRAVE Ride, and our Dinner & Dreams Gala.
NWCAVE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.